Covid-19 & Vitamin D

In Toronto our Public Health (PH) experts have trained everyone to avoid the virus but they have not mentioned the ways in which we can protect ourselves from it. 

Vitamin D Capsule

As many of you know, I have been testing blood levels of vitamin D for almost 15 years and have encouraged all my patients to take supplements that will raise their blood levels to a protective range. The value of that approach has been recently strengthened by published reports of controlled trials in the USA and Spain that make a strong case that having good levels of vitamin D can both protect us from getting COVID-19 and in the early stages can treat those who have it.

Please watch the video below by Dr. John Campbell as he explains the meaning of the studies and calls on the World Health Organization and the CDC to do large scale studies to further prove the point that it would be in everyone’s interest for significant doses of vitamin D to be available to everyone in the world. In the meantime, take your vitamin D daily with food. 

Dr. Campbell is a Scottish academic nurse who worked in A&E (Accident and Emergency, what we now call ER in Canada) for 40 years. His regular videos explaining COVID-19 have gone viral on YouTube for months.

Dr. Linda Rapson

MD, CAFCI Assistant Professor, DFCM, University of Toronto Affiliate Scientist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Medical Director, Rapson Pain and Acupuncture Clinic.


Nutrition: Sound Advice


Laura Beard’s Journey