Acupuncture is the cornerstone of our clinical practice that is aimed at relieving pain and suffering and reducing the need for prescription drugs. It is the Chinese therapeutic technique of inserting very fine, sterile, single-use needles at specific points on the body in order to reduce/eliminate pain, reduce inflammation and promote healing. This in turn improves function of affected areas of the body or the body as a whole.
Acupuncture is safe, effective, grounded in strong scientific evidence and rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Very often it can help when Western Medicine cannot. At the clinic we have successfully treated many conditions using acupuncture. When specialized western medicine is required, we refer to appropriate medical specialists and surgeons.
There are many different acupuncture techniques in which our practitioners have expertise. These include Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine techniques, Anatomical Acupuncture, Chinese Scalp Acupuncture, Ear Acupuncture (Auriculotherapy), as well as electro-acupuncture. Electro-acupuncture is the application of low level electrical current to acupuncture needles to enhance the effects of acupuncture.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM includes acupuncture, herbal treatments, cupping and moxibustion (moxa). Cupping creates suction on the skin and underlying tissue by applying either heated glass cups or silicon cups. It is used primarily to treat muscle tightness and pain.
Moxabustion is the application of heat to certain points on the body with or without acupuncture needles being present. Traditionally, it is applied by burning moxa, a Chinese herb, over the area and, more recently, by using infrared emitting devices. This is done in order to normalize physiological functions, treat disease and reduce pain. Our Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner is skilled in the use of Chinese herbs, cupping and moxibustion.