Happy New Year!

We hope that you have had a happy and healthy start to 2022. As an essential service, we will continue to provide in-person treatment as well as virtual consultations, as appropriate. As you know, the new variant can cause a mild form of COVID-19, much like a head cold, which reduces the fear factor to some extent. A possible benefit of contracting this illness could be the development of stronger immunity against the virus.

We are up to date with our safety protocols and do not require adjustments for the new restrictions imposed by the Ford Government as of January 5, 2022.

We encourage all our patients to maintain their nutritional immune support. This includes Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Zinc and Melatonin. Ideally, magnesium levels need attention in these stressful times. Not only stress reduces magnesium; alcohol, which is something that people use to reduce stress, actually depletes it!

If you have any questions regarding your supplementation program, please feel free to contact us. Your ongoing good physical and mental health are our primary concern!


Sherbourne Subway Station is Accessible


Why are there few nutrients in our food? by Mary Lowther