Prophylactic and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for Covid-19

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance has released an updated protocol for the prevention and early treatment of Covid-19. The protocol is called I-MASK+. In addition to social precautions such as keeping distance and wearing masks, it consists of the following supplementation regime:

  • Vitamin D3 1,000–3,000 IU/day

  • Vitamin C (slow release) 1,000mg twice a day

  • Quercetin 250mg/day

  • Zinc 50mg/day (Zinc + Copper 1.5-2 mg) once a day

  • Melatonin 6mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness)

  • Ivermectin, as prophylaxis for those high risk individuals and for those who have been exposed to a known Covid-19 case

The protocol information PDF:

There are abundant references available to share with your primary care physician should you be interested in adding Ivermectin to your own personal regime.


Why are there few nutrients in our food? by Mary Lowther


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